
Bradley praises squad efforts ahead of Cavan clash

Ulster U-20 Football Championship semi-final
Derry v Cavan
Friday, Athletic Grounds, 8pm

DERRY u-20 manager Paddy Bradley was full of praise for his squad’s efforts as they prepare for Friday’s semi-final showdown with Cavan.

The Oakleafers were 0-12 to 0-9 winners over Antrim on Friday night thanks to the accuracy of Charlie Diamond and senior star Lachlan Murray.

Bradley feels his side have lessons to learn and must improve on their attacking game.

All but three of Derry’s starting team from Friday night are underage next season, having delivered the 2020 All-Ireland minor title, but they had ‘disjointed’ preparation going into the championship.

Bradley had no access to the senior panellists, was faced with a raft of injuries and St Mary’s Magherafelt having an extended run in a successful MacRory Cup campaign.

“I thought our composure when working the ball out of defence and to not dive in giving away frees was brilliant,” said Bradley, who was happy with his side’s defensive showing.

On the one occasion Antrim got inside for a half goal chance, goalkeeper Kian McGonigle measured his angles to perfection to deny Sean O’Neill.

“We had Lachlan and Charlie who were taking the chances which was pleasing. It’s nice to be in a semi-final and we know we have a lot of improving to do for Cavan,” Bradley continued.

“We only have a week to do it, but it is a nice dilemma to have, to still be in the hat.”

POLISHED DIAMOND…Charlie Diamond kicked six points in Derry’s win over Antrim

With Derry’s recent success at underage level, Bradley felt the “lot of hype” did bring pressure.

“I felt that boys were showing that in the first half, there was an eagerness to get the game done and dusted far too early.

“I can’t fault the boys for their effort and the one thing I will say about this group, they have been a real pleasure to work with.”

Next on the horizon are a Cavan side that comprehensively accounted told for a fancied Monaghan who were minor champions three seasons ago.

Derry were 0-19 to 1-12 winners over Cavan at Owenbeg that season, with Calum, Enda and Matthew Downey kicking a combined 12 points of the Oakleafers’ tally.

The trio join Eoin McEvoy and Jack Scullion on the injured list. James McGurk was suspended after a red card last season against Monaghan and Ronan McFaul was listed on the bench last weekend.

Odhran McLarnon came off the bench for a first appearance since a January challenge game against Ulster University.

“Ronan has done bits and pieces, but has had a niggly hamstring for a long time so we’ll have to sit down with medical team,” said Bradley of his squad for Friday night’s clash.

“The Downeys are long-term injuries they have had with the seniors and Eoin McEvoy hasn’t played since the MacRory.

“The chances are that we are not going to have anybody different this week. All we can do it focus on the boys that are there because they are putting in a big shift every night at training and we will improve.”

Speaking after Friday’s win over Antrim, Bradley knew their game would go down to the wire and this week is about recovery and building a picture of the Breffni challenge.

“We have to work on our game because, at times, some of our attacking play wasn’t good enough. We have seven days to improve on that, the pleasing thing is that we are still in the hat and can do that”

Bradley said it was “disappointing” that his side were unable to open Antrim up to for a goal that would’ve sealed the game, stating it wasn’t helped by not having his forward line together. Lachlan Murray trained with the group two nights before the game in that was more of a ”kick about”.

“It’s hard to get goal chances, particularly when you are playing against a team so well set up,” he added, saying it was something they would be focusing ahead of their Cavan clash.

“Cavan, by all accounts, are a big physical size and height is something we lack,” added Bradley.

“That is something we’ll have to address too and if we carry the ball into the tackle the way we did (against Antrim) we’ll get turned over again and it will be the same thing.

“We need to make better use of the pitch and the width if we are going to trouble them.”

READ MORE – Derry overcome Antrim in final quarter. Click here,,,

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