
Ciara Garvey: Caroline O’Hanlon is such an inspiration

Q&A…Armagh’s Ciara Garvey takes on the Gaelic Life teammates section

Name? Ciara Garvey.

Age? 22.

Teams played for?
Carrickcruppen, Queen’s University, Belfast and Armagh

Earliest GAA memory?
Winning an u-10 Cullyhanna blitz with the boys’ team

Which team-mate has been the most inspirational and why?
Probably Caroline O’Hanlon and watching her play for the same club, Carrickcruppen.

Who’s the best team-mate to train with and why?
Eve Lavery is always so positive and encouraging.

Which team-mate is the worst to train with and why?
Caroline when she arrives 30 minutes late.

Which team-mate do you want to mark in training and why?
My sister Orla, just so we can just hit each other.

Which team-mate do you dread marking in training and why?
Sharon Reel, she’s so strong and vocal!

Best score you’ve seen from a team-mate?
Niamh Reel’s point to win the Ulster.

What win has your team celebrated the most?
Winning the Division One final was a great buzz.

Which team-mate is the best on journeys away?
Blathnaid Hendron has the best snacks.

Which club is the worst for journeys away?
Grange, I always forget where it is.

What’s the funniest thing you’ve heard in training or in a match, and who said it?
Lauren McConville shouted “wait Caroline, I’m coming” against Mayo when she was running up the pitch, but it was completely silent so you just heard her.

What’s the worst excuse you’ve heard to get out of training?
I remember one time a girl at club said she just got a spray tan and couldn’t ruin it.

Which team-mate is the loudest in the changing room?
Has to be Maeve Watters.

Which team-mate would you want standing over a last-second penalty?
Moya Feehan or Megan Cinnamond, close call.

Which team-mate would you never want to see hitting a last-second penalty?
Aoife Fearon with the toe poke.

Which team-mate is the most sensible?
Not Catriona O’Hagan anyway.

Who is the smartest of all your team mates?
I’d say Aoife McCoy is up there.

Who’s the best team mate to celebrate with?
It’s between three – Aileen Doran, Blanaid McGivern or Maeve Lennon.

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