“Lynne McFredrick pings 45s off the ground regularly at training”

Derrygonnelly player Brenda Bannon looks at some of her opponents… Name: Brenda Bannon. Age: 27. Teams played for: There are quite a few I’m always on the move! Home club: Aghadrumsee, St Macartan’s, county: Fermanagh ladies, current club:  Derrygonnelly Harps. Secondary school: St. Eugene’s, Roslea, Mount Lourdes Grammar School, Enniskillen, HE GAA: University of Ulster, […]

“We’re often coaxed to take a feed of cottage cheese and blueberries”

WE chat this week to Brenda Bannon as she lifts the lid on her teammates… Name: Brenda Bannon. Age: 27. Teams played for: Advertisement There are quite a few I’m always on the move! Home club: Aghadrumsee, St Macartan’s, county: Fermanagh ladies, current club:  Derrygonnelly Harps. Secondary school: St. Eugene’s, Roslea, Mount Lourdes Grammar School, […]