Coaches from Mourne County are heading a Wee bit further

LOUTH club football is pretty much awash with coaches hailing from the Mourne County at the minute, with plenty of big names from Down football involved with several different teams throughout the Wee County. Dig a little deeper, and there’s more than just a few Down coaches scattered around the province of Ulster, lending their […]

STEVEN POACHER: Parents must become positive role models

LAST year, big news emerged from Croke Park that the GAA is taking out the competitive element out of games and blitzes for hurling and football for u-12, in a bid to make the sport more inclusive, forgiving and ultimately more focused on participation and enjoyment. There was a mixed response to the news, with some GAA […]

STEVEN POACHER: A league of its own

LAST Sunday’s thrilling final between Glen and St Brigid’s has really engrossed football fans this week with a huge amount of positivity surrounding the game for a change. Normally the doom merchants are out in force and the death knell of Gaelic Football term is regularly used. The tactical battle last Sunday was intriguing, particularly late […]

STEVEN POACHER: Plan, prepare, perform

As we enter 2024, most coaches involved in teams will be beginning to prepare and plan for the new season with their respective teams. As the great Roy Keane said once in Saipan all those years ago, fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Entering a season or a session without having a plan of some capacity […]

STEVEN POACHER: Empower players to problem solve

By Steven Poacher THIS Saturday morning at 10am, we have our annual Coach Education Day at St Joseph’s in Newry. The four guest coaches presenting on the day provide arguably one of the finest line-ups we have had to date. Colm Collins, former Clare senior football manager, will kick-start the day with an indoor talk […]