THE majority of GAA clubs are now starting to formulate plans for their pre-season. Coaches and players are looking forward to the season ahead and planning is in full flow. Here are five key considerations for players and coaches as they approach their pre-season planning. Increasing Training Load Too Early The number one mistake I see players and coaches making – […]
GERARD O’Kane: Keep it achievable
GOOD luck to anyone trying to get a space at a local gym this week or to book in with a personal trainer or gym instructor who are all offering eight-week new year courses. There are so many people who wake up with a turkey hangover (or indeed a normal hangover) and say – “I […]
PATRICK MORRISON: Regress to progress
By Patrick Morrison DURING the Korean War in November 1950, the 1st Marine Division of the US Army was surrounded by 120,000 soldiers of the Chinese Army at the Chosin Reservoir in North Korea. They were led by Major General O.P. Smith, a native of Texas with 33 years’ experience in military combat. The Battle of […]
JOHN McMAHON: Quick tips for when your season ends
IF your season is ended, it can be tempting to attack the weight room with new enthusiasm. As the volume of practices and games dwindles, many athletes feel the need to start lifting heavy right away, to counteract the slowing momentum of the competitive season. But while you may be itching to hit the ground […]
SHANE RICE: When should you start a pre-season?
THE real answer to the question of when you should start a pre-season is ‘it depends’. Several factors influence when you should start your pre-season, and the most important one is when your last season ended. Teams that progressed deep into the championship may need more recovery time, while others who exited early might be […]
PG the PT – Understand your own training needs
Pauric Grimes encourages us to tailor our own training.
Steven Poacher: How important is the pre-season?
How much work a team does in the off-season is linked to their goals for the year ahead.